
The best ar app on the planet

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Introducing ARoundUs

ARoundUs introduce you a new way of exploring the world with infomation. With the help of AR or Augmented Reality, user can interact 3D objects in real-world environment. By using AR, the app can recognize the real-world objects and able to show related infomation in realtime.

User can use their phone and point the camera to any places or objects that they are interested. The app will try to recognize those objects and pop up some infomation along side with that object. Infomation can be in different forms of content such as text, images and videos.

Firstly, user need to add image to the app local storage in order to help it recognizes images. Go to the add image tab and tap blue camera icon. User can choose to add image from camera or photo library. Fill in some information about the image and tap add image to gallery.

Secondly, user will see their images add to the gallery view. User can tap the image and see the details. The details include title, subtitle, date of when user added the image and some notes.

Thirdly, user can see the AR world by going to the AR tab. The app will start recognizes images from the app local storage and try to find those object in the real-world. If objects are matched, the info card will popup and display information about the image object.

Implementation Tools

The following are the tools and frameworks used to develop this application.
The app's user interface are made using UIKit. The main apple's framework used to create user interface for iOS.
The app utilze ARKit, an apple's framework used to create augmented reality using iOS device camera and motion features to produce augmented reality experiences. The app recognize interested objects and brings related information to show it in 3D world.

Tools and Frameworks

  • ARKit

  • UIKit

ARoundUs in action

Let's see ARoundUs live demo. A quick and easy guide tour to all of it's basic function and features. Click at the link below to download ARoundUs now !

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let's contribute

Let's contribute to ARoundUs project. It is a great way of developing quality apps by working together with other developers. Let's create code that benefits the community.
